Terms & Conditions

1. Definition
    1. ”You” / ”Client” exhibitors, participant, or any of their associates
    2. ”We / Organiser’ means Orbit Exhibitions Pvt Ltd
    3. ”Cost” means the amount mentioned in the brochure & the booking form and any other supplements towards the services requested & taxes that may apply in the invoice
    4. ”Independent Contractor” means hotelier / hotel owner, airlines or shipping company, cargo agent, ferry operator, coach owner / operator, all contractors for technical & infrastructure management at Exhibition centre, or any other person selected.

2. Brochure Information

The information given in the brochure and Exhibitor Manual is as accurate as we can make it. Our brochure descriptions are of amenities normally available, However, circumstances can change due to events beyond our control. All of these may cause us to change our programme. Where we may know of these sufficiently in advance, we will notify you. Please remember that the brochure was produced many months in advance.

3. Stall Participation Facilities:
  • For Built-up Stalls’. Stand Partition Walls with neighboring booths. Wall -to-wall stand carpeting, Stand Furniture 1 Table, 2 Chairs 1 Waste bin, Fascia with lettering (company logo not included) Standard typeface English- Electrical Installations- 1 Spotlight for every 3 sqmt, One 15 amp power
  • Any additional services required-power, security, water, local labour etc.. shell be provided exclusively at an extra charge and can be ordered using Separate Order Forms. Exhibitors shall order services from service providers having exclusive rights in the fairgrounds (Order forms shall be provided by Organiser on request).

4. Liability:
  • We do not control or operate any airline, book travel arrangements, neither do we own or control any cargo company, transportation company, hotel, or any other facility or service mentioned in this brochure / webbing. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any injury, death, loss or damage, which is caused, by the act or default of the employees of an independent
  • We in no circumstances will be liable for any loss of baggage, goods, or any other material or item owned by the clients howsoever
  • We will not be able to take on any liability or responsibility arising due to change in schedule of weather conditions, local strikes, war, quarantine or other causes. All such losses if any will have to be borne by the clients
  • We will not be responsible or liable for any claims for loss of important documents handed over to the Organisers at any of their offices or representatives, or staff due to any reason such as thefts, fire, natural calamities or human

5. Right of Organisers:
  • There is no contract between the client and us until we have received the booking amount required to book the space. Services will be processed as per the payment terms. If the balance payment is not made as required then we hold the right to cancel the booking or registration and reserve the right to forfeit the initial payment or claim the cancellation charges from the client as per the contract
  • We reserve the right to decline or accept any booking at any time for Pharmac South 2022 without assigning any example Exhibition Organiser generally provides wide range of optional fitting which are available at extra cost. We suggest you to book these optional before hand only in order to avoid last minute hassles
  • To amend the terms and conditions of participation and Issue additional rules and regulations from time to time
  • To recover from Exhibitor compensation for losses/ damages caused to the property or impose reasonable penalty for any willful contravention of the terms of participation. To take photographs or video film of the interiors of any stall and to use the same for promotional work.
  • To refuse permission to any Exhibitor to clear his stall if he has not paid all dues to the Organisers or to retain the exhibits or other goods as collateral security fill such dues or paid.
  • The exhibition will operate subject to sufficient participation. In the event such participation does not take place: organizer may cancel the exhibition at any time prior to the scheduled date. All expenses incurred for the client’s participation & services offered by the organizers will be taken into account and the balance will be

6. Changes in Prices:

In case of currency fluctuation, increase of rates of the services offered by the Organisers or any tax laws , all such increase in price must be paid in full before the show or prescribed dates.

7. Insurance:

Clients are advised to obtain necessary insurance. We will not be responsible either to arrange the same or for the failure in arranging the same by the clients or any consequences arising thereof.

8. Arbitration:
  • You will strictly abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the Organizers and strictly follow the payment deadline failing which, your participation shall stand automatically terminated,
  • “PHARMAC SOUTH 2022” be operated in accordance with the prevailing State Government Rules, Prevailing Government of India rules and regulations and subject to Reserve Bank of India
  • Disputes if any, will be subject to Jurisdiction of Mumbai courts only

9. Handling and Clearing of Goods:

All Clearing and handling of the exhibits are to be through officially appointed agents.

10. Co-Exhibitors :

Co Exhibiting is permitted only with prior permission of Organisers

11. Technical Guidelines:

They are a constituent part of these conditions of participation and must be adhered to. The said guidelines shall be duly handed over to the Exhibitor with the order Form for services.

12. General:

The Exhibitors are unlimitedly liable for payment of compensation for any bodily harm to person or property of the Organiser, Exhibitor or Visitor and other exhibitors, caused by himself or his agents during transportation, installation, fair duration and dismantling period

13. Counter Sales:

In case of Counter Sale, The payment of sales tax as applicable, to the concerned authorities will be the direct responsibility of the Exhibitor.

14. Group Stands:

Contracting parties for group stands are responsible for ensuring that all Exhibitors within their group are fully aware of, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions of PHARMAC SOUTH 2022.

15. Promotion during the Exhibition:

Exhibitors are reminded not to place stickers, signs or posters anywhere in the hall other than within their own stand. Likewise Exhibitor’s representative(s) may not distribute brochures, Invitations etc. along the gangways or near the entrances.

This is unfair to other Exhibitors and an inconvenience to the Visitors.

16. Equipment Interference:

No equipment can be operated which makes excessive noise or causes electrical interference or annoyance to other exhibitors. In this matter the decision of the Organisers will be final

17. Force Majeure:

Under the conditions of force majeure which also includes strikes, any natural calamities, lock outs, closures, riots, political pressure etc, the organisers reserve the right to alter the opening dates and duration, change the venue or even cancel the entire Exhibition.

  • The services are subject to change / alteration before or during the exhibition without notice. We will neither entertain to any claims nor we will be held responsible for any damage or loss arising due to this alteration or change in the services.
  • The Exhibition date, timings and venue are subject to change and consequently may be revised at any time of the operation of exhibition.
  • We will try to honour your request for stall allocation but organizers reserve the right to amend or allocate or reallocate the stall.